
The Power of Art #120 Nicola Anthony 'I Will Rise'

The Power of Art #120  Nicola Anthony 'I Will Rise'
Courtesy and ©Nicola Anthony, I Will Rise, 2023, 7 ring sculptures.

In the creation of her work Anthony dives deep into literature, cultural and historic events to distil the essence that will eventually be portrayed through her art. For 'I will rise', her research focused on literature, thinkers, and words that have guided society over the generation, or have been synonymous with turning points in the pursuit of liberty and equality. Inspired by their words and in recognition of the role of artists and dreamers in shaping the world, the artist has penned her own sculptural poem.

This artwork explores the power of resilience and affirmation within the infinite cycle of life. The words reference times of conflict and struggle so we are reminded that there is often a need to find strength, to find a better way forward, to rise. It is this balance of confronting the darkness of life but bringing out hopefulness that has informed Anthony’s artistic practice throughout her career. 

In the full installation of 7 rings the artist imagined a spine or ladder rising out of the dust, inspired by the powerful lines from Maya Angelou: 

Learning behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, 
I am the dream and the hope of the slave. 
I rise. 

Excerpt of Still I Rise, by Maya Angelou.


Courtesy and ©Nicola Anthony, I Will Rise, 2023, 7 ring sculptures. 

Courtesy and ©Nicola Anthony, Maya Angelou, and Renée Pfister, 2024. All rights reserved.