
The Joy Of What We Do #33 The Offer 'From Roots To The Frontline'

The Joy Of What We Do #33  The Offer  'From Roots To The Frontline'
The Offer is a distilled dialogue of poetry, in-depth discussion, experimental dance on film and Earth song curated by Zena Edwards.

The Offer is a distilled dialogue of poetry, in-depth discussion, experimental dance on film and Earth song curated by Zena Edwards (founder of Create To Transform Dialogue Spaces.)

‘From The Roots To The Front Line’ sign-posts how many solutions to the ecological crisis have ancient roots in ritual and embodiment and reflect upon the malalignment of cultural technologies and Ancestral wisdoms of particular ex-colonies in the global south.
Guest speakers include:
Zena Edwards - Poet and Curator
AHHAAHHA - Writer, Artist and Youth Worker
Abdul Shyllon - Singer Songwriter
Adriene Yenik – Lecturer, Death Doulah and creator of The Eco-Tarot - fortune telling climate futures
Ffion Campbell-Davies - Choreographer, Dancer, Musician
Ian Solomon-Kawall - Founder of May Project Gardens, community garden and education space
Serayna Solanki – Climate advocate and artist

With grateful acknowledgement to the #ArtsCouncil of England for funding this event.

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#zenaedwards #AHHAAHHA #abdulshyllon #adrieneyenik #ffioncampbelldavies #ianSolomonKawall #seraynasolanki #climateactivism #environmentaljustice @culturedeclares #CultureTakesAction #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNOW