
The Joy Of What We Do #32 'The Seas are Rising'

The Joy Of What We Do #32 'The Seas are Rising'
Joanna Jones, I am bringing something with me #4, egg tempera on canvas,  H1600 mm x W1400 mm

The event is part of MAKE THE WAVE,  a series of local actions taking place around the coast to reach Cornwall for the G7 Summit. A ‘movement of movements', by those concerned with the Climate Crisis and Sea Level Rise.

Jones felt the urge to do something of poetic pragmatism in Dover, to reflect on the enormity of the situation facing us and our planet and is asking and inviting others to join her.  The gathering starts in the Market Square in Dover at 6.30 pm, the group will walk down Snargate Street, crossing over the road near the Grand Shaft Entrance and continuing to Shakespeare Beach over the bridge. Low tide is at 7.14 pm, just about the time to settle for the vigil on the beach.

Reflecting individualism within the solidarity of a collective experience, Jones is asking everyone to dress in their own blue clothes and bring a small torch or light. The event is a meaningful tribute, where we can all give our contribution and raise awareness in support of MAKE THE WAVE in the UK.

The seas are rising. It affects us all. Please do feel free to tell/bring others.
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Image: Joanna Jones, I am bringing something with me #4, egg tempera on canvas,  H1600 mm x W1400 mm

Courtesy and ©Joanna Jones, Dover Arts Development and Renée Pfister Art & Gallery Consultancy.
#thejoyofwhatwedo #artvigil #makethewave #doverartsdevelopment #joannajones #culturedeclaresemergency #reneepfisterartconsultancy #risingsealevels #exctintionrebellion #sealevelsrising #climateemergency