
The Joy of What We Do #24 'Museum Launch'

The Joy of What We Do #24 'Museum Launch'
Opening of the Victoria Museum, Kiev, Ukraine.
In May 2017 the Victoria Museum, in Kiev, Ukraine, opened its doors for the first time. The year prior to the launch I provided advice and training on a sustainable business model for the museum and all operational aspects of museums and exhibition management.
The project involved several trips to Kiev, attending the opening and later in the year presenting the talk Why do we need Museums, to inspire Ukrainian business leaders and officials to support and invest in the sector. The focus of my presentation was not only on the economic benefits museums can bring to a city or a region, I also reiterated the intrinsic values to individuals and communities.
Courtesy and ©Victoria Museum, Kiev, Ukraine, and Renée Pfister Art & Gallery Consultancy, London, 2021. All rights reserved.