
Cura: Successful Exhibition Curating 2012

Rozanne Hawksley
Gallery Talk with Rozanne Hawksley at the Cura exhibition.

Short Course
by Art & Gallery Consultant Renée Pfister

The Cura! Successful Exhibition Curatorship course will provide students with practical
experience of the curation, co‐ordination and installation of an art exhibition at a gallery. During
interactive sessions students will work together to curate an exhibition, working as a team to
select works and organise, market, programme and install an art exhibition in a pre‐eminent
gallery space.

Enrolment is now open for the 2012 Cura! Curating Course.

The Cura! course runs from 26 April - 27 June 2012.
Sessions take place from 26 April - 27 June @ 18.30 - 20.30.

The closing date for early bird registration is Wednesday 17 April 2012
and closing date for enrolment is Wednesday 10 April 2012.

For full details please request the course brochure PDF:
Email: [email protected] for further information and to enrol.